In my blog I write each week about a theme that I am interested in as a yogi and as a young entrepreneur. The theme serves as an umbrella for my blog and my classes. This helps to explore the theme and share what I’ve learned on my journey.
Returning home and back to work after a vacation I have to get used to the daily routine. That’s why I always try to plan for a couple of days after the holiday to start up. Clean up the house, organize my closets, doing my paper work and preparing the new classes coming up. Being connected again, set my goals for the new season. I know that I have to invest some time but that I will win it twice later on.
Just like building a house – a good foundation determines the outcome and sustainability of the end result. And this is not different in our yoga practice or within entrepreneurship.
The Yogi
The first alignment principle within Anusara Yoga is: Set the foundation and open to Grace. I love this principle so much since it explains with so much gratitude that you have to root in order to rise and shine and to connect with divinity.
Whether you are a beginner or an advanced yoga practitioner it is always beneficial to go back to the basics so now and then. Therefore we zoom in on Tadasana mountain pose this week.
Tadasana is the ‘mother’ of a lot the yoga postures. Understanding the principles of Tadasana posture will benefit the practice of the other asana’s.
How well do you know Tadasana?
Is it just a standing posture for you, a nice break during the class OR do you experience it as a challenging posture and are you still exploring it’s dept. Read more here.
The Entrepreneur
As an entrepreneur I am setting the foundation of my company Blossoming Butterfly. I gave myself this year to start up gently. Before I wrote any business plan I just began with setting up my own classes, in addition to my job as a yoga teacher and personal trainer at Nature’s Gym. This gave me the opportunity to discover my identity as a yoga teacher, findingmy ways of teaching, approaching my students, using of various elements such as breathing techniques, essential oils and mantras. After two months, I’ve started creating a website and blog, which I launched in May. The next step is to get clear my WHY. Why do I want to launch my business? What do I want to share? Where do I want to be in a couple of years? what are my goals? Of course I know that I want it and I am actually doing it, but it needs to be 100% clear. Simple and straight, being able to do the elevator pitch. That is my focus for the coming month.
For me, entrepreneurship is a dynamic and creative process. A clear mission and goals are important, equally important is to be open to new possibilities and to not be afraid to let go that what is not working and to adjust the direction. It is also important to be constantly inspired, to relax, to learn every day and to undertake activities completely out of your comfort zone.
This summer I went on a road trip with my love in beautiful Norway, and this has given me the opportunity to take some distance and to get new inspiration. Fully recharged, the past two weeks I have been working hard on branding and did preparations for the classes and events for the coming season.
I’m ready for the new season yoga. Come to my yoga classes or follow my blog to follow my journey as a yogi and entrepreneur.
let me know what you think about the new logo
Mandy says
Very inspiring Mel! LOVE the new logo!
Mihaela Sofeva-Chernyshova says
I really like the new logo :). Very original.
Melanie de Bruijn says
Sweet thanx
Melanie de Bruijn says
Thank you Mihaela